Incoterms 2010即将发布

上周,外贸课堂豆瓣小组里有人问及INCOTERMS 2010版的事情,我才意识到,一晃十年过去,国际商会又该为《国际贸易术语解释通则》改版了。


“The Incoterms rules are a perfect example of an efficient standardization of an international business tool. Their day-to-day use in international sales contracts brings legal certainty to business transaction while simplifying the drafting of international contracts.”Incoterms


Emmanuel Jolivet
General Counsel of the International Court of Arbitration


What are INCOterms?


INCOterms, short for “International Commercial Terms,” are international rules that are universally accepted by governments, legal authorities and practitioners for the interpretation of the most commonly used terms in international trade. Their purpose is to reduce or eliminate any discrepancies that might occur in the interpretations of such terms.

INCOterms是International Commercial Terms(国际贸易术语)的简称。在国际贸易中,它是一个被政府、法律部门、从业人员所普遍接受的最常用的术语解释。其目的是减少或消除对这些术语可能产生的任何争议。

INCOterms rules primarily describe the tasks, costs and risks involved in the delivery of goods, with the exception of intangibles, from sellers to buyers.


Who is responsible for changes in INCOterms?


Revisions are conducted by an international drafting committee of eight experts appointed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).


Throughout the 2.5 year revision process, these international business and legal experts considered more than two thousand recommendations from many of the 130+ countries with which the ICC has a relationship.  As a result, the 2010 version is vastly improved, specifically addressing the needs of users around the world.


What is the significance of INCOterms 2010?

INCOterms 2010的意义

To keep up with the rapid expansion of world trade and globalization, the INCOterms rules are revised about once a decade.


On January 1, 2011 a comprehensive revision of ICC’s Incoterms rules applying to billions of dollars of business transactions will come into effect, a major step in helping international trade professionals ensure legal certainty and save both time and money.


What is new about INCOterms 2010?


Since the last revision in 2000, much has changed in global trade, and the current revision will take into account all of the following issues:


  • Post-9/11 cargo security regulations
  • 911恐怖事件发生后货物的安全条例;
  • The 2004 revision of the United States’ Uniform Commercial Code
  • 美国于2004年修订了统一商法典;
  • New Institute Cargo Insurance Clauses
  • 新的协会货物保险条款颁布;
  • Replacement of paper documents with electronic ones
  • 电子版代替纸质文件;
  • Delivery, with respect to revenue recognition compliance
  • 涉及核实营业收入的交付。(Pin注:这一句有待商榷)

“Featuring two new rules, the INCOterms 2010 edition will reflect advances in international trade over the last decade, and is an essential tool for trade. Used in both international and domestic contracts for the sale of goods, the rules simplify the drafting of such contracts and help avoid misunderstandings by clearly setting out certain obligations of buyers and sellers,” ICC said.

ICC表示:“两个新的规则的特点在于INCOterms 2010版会反映国际贸易在过去的十年间的发展,而且,它是贸易的一个基本的工具,被广泛运用于国际和国内的销售合同中。它简化了这类合同的起草,减少了买卖双方的误解,清楚地界定了买卖双方的义务。”

Where can I attend an INCOterms 2010 seminar?

在哪里参加INCOterms 2010的研讨会

To learn more about the INCOterms 2010 seminar in Pittsburgh on October 28, 2010,please click here.

欲了解更多10月28日将于匹兹堡举办的INCOterms 2010研讨会,请点击这里

To find an event in other parts of the U.S., or for additional informaiton about INCOterms 2010 from the ICC website, please click here


